bruxism or tooth clenching or teeth grinding

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Bruxism, also referred to as the grinding and/or clenching of teeth, is a prevalent condition affecting approximately 30 million to 40 million individuals in the United States, encompassing both children and adults.

This condition involves the grinding, clenching, or gnashing of teeth and can manifest during wakefulness or sleep. While awake bruxism is more common, sleep-related bruxism has been subject to more extensive study. Both children and adults can experience this phenomenon.

While many cases of bruxism are mild and may not necessitate intervention, severe instances can result in tooth damage, jaw pain or fatigue, and headaches. Given that individuals may grind their teeth unconsciously during sleep, it is crucial to be aware of the signs and symptoms and prioritize regular dental care.

Signs & Symptoms

If you observe any of the following indicators, you might be encountering bruxism:

  • Flattened, chipped, cracked, or loose teeth.
  • A worn tooth enamel exposes the tooth’s inner layers.
  • Tooth pain or sensitivity.
  • Soreness in the jaw muscles
  • Tightness in the jaw.
  • Tiredness of jaw muscles.
  • Headache.
  • Facial pain.


There is a divergence of expert opinions on the nature of bruxism, with some considering it a habit, while others attribute it to the following factors:

  • Psychological Factors: Stress, anxiety, frustration, and anger.
  • Dental Factors: Malocclusion, refers to a misalignment where the teeth and jaw do not line up correctly.
  • Medical Conditions: A symptom associated with certain rare diseases affecting the nerves and muscles in the face.
  • Medication-Related Causes: In rare instances, it may serve as a side effect of certain medications used to treat depression, including Prozac (fluoxetine), Zoloft (sertraline), and Paxil (paroxetine).
  • Neurological Disorders: A complication associated with neurological conditions such as Huntington’s or Parkinson’s disease.


People who grind their teeth may be unaware of this habit, as it often occurs during sleep. Bruxism can have substantial effects on oral health, resulting in tooth wear and the possible onset of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder. If you suspect that you might be experiencing bruxism, it is essential to discuss with Dr. Peter Truong Vo, your reliable dentist in Haltom City, TX, to effectively address and manage the condition.


  • Adjust the jaw and mouth positions when at rest to lessen teeth clenching and grinding. Raise consciousness and lessen behaviors of gripping and grinding.
  • Diminish reactions brought on by stress, as this could lessen bruxism.
  • To minimize damage to your teeth and maybe lessen the amount of muscular activity caused by clenching and grinding, use a mouth guard to keep your teeth apart.
  • Restore teeth that have worn down or cracked. There may be a need for crowns or other operations.

Related Conditions

Severe bruxism patients can damage dental fillings and cause tooth disintegration. They can also wear away the outer layers of enamel on their teeth, which can lead to increased sensitivity. Extreme bruxism has resulted in:

  • Certain instances of temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJD), commonly known as jaw dysfunction
  • Headaches
  • Unknown cause of face pain
  • Unease when biting, eating, or speaking

Helpful Tips

  • Ensure regular dental check-ups with Dr. Peter Truong Vo, your trusted dentist in Haltom City, TX. Through routine dental examinations, Dr. Vo can proficiently identify any indications of bruxism.
  • Try doing some yoga or meditation to unwind. Reducing stress may also be aided by counseling.
  • Steer clear of alcohol and coffee.
  • Avoid smoking.
  • If you grind or clench your teeth during the day, remind yourself to keep them apart using a timer on your phone or written notes.

In case you need assistance with your dental health, contact your nearest dental clinic in Haltom City, TX. You should also keep in mind that Dr. Peter Truong Vo is always available in case of a dental emergency. Don’t forget to schedule an appointment.

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