Everything You Need To Know About Bone Grafts For Denture

Everything You Need To Know About Bone Grafts For Denture

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Dentures are a great way to restore lost teeth and improve your smile. But if you’re considering getting dentures, you might want to consider getting a bone graft. Bone grafts are a procedure that helps restore the jawbone where teeth were lost and can help provide more stability and longevity for dentures. In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about bone grafts for dentures, from risks to costs and benefits.

What Is A Bone Graft?

A bone graft is a surgical procedure that involves replacing or reinforcing a jawbone that has been weakened due to tooth loss. This is done by transplanting bone material, usually taken from the patient’s own body, into the area of lost teeth. It helps restore the structure and strength of the jawbone, making it more suitable for dentures.

How Do Bone Grafts Work?

Bone grafts are fairly straightforward procedures. The bone material is taken from the patient’s body, such as the hip or chin, and is then inserted into the area of lost teeth. It integrates with the existing bone and helps restore the structure and strength of the jawbone.

What Are The Risks?

The risks associated with bone grafts are similar to any other surgery, including infection and bleeding. However, these risks can be minimized by proper care and hygiene after the procedure. It’s important to discuss all of the risks with your dentist before undergoing a bone graft.

How Much Does A Bone Graft Cost?

The cost of a bone graft varies depending on the complexity of the procedure and the type of material used. Generally, the cost ranges from $500 to $2,000.

Benefits Of Bone Grafts For Dentures

There are a number of benefits to getting a bone graft for dentures. Firstly, it helps restore the structure and strength of the jawbone, making it more suitable for dentures. This means that your denture will fit better and last longer. Additionally, bone grafts help prevent further deterioration of the jawbone, which can result in further tooth loss.

Improved Stability Of Dentures

The most significant benefit of a bone graft is improved stability for dentures. Strengthening the jawbone provides more support for your denture and prevents sagging or shifting. This improves comfort as well as function.

Improved Aesthetics

Bone grafts can also improve the aesthetics of your denture. Providing more support helps to keep the denture in place and maintain a natural-looking smile. This is especially important for those with visible gaps or missing teeth as it can help restore confidence and create a better overall appearance.

Long-Term Health Benefits

Bone grafts can also provide long-term health benefits. Preventing further deterioration of the jawbone helps to keep your teeth and gums healthy and strong. This reduces the risk of other dental issues such as gum disease or cavities.


Bone grafts are a great way to restore the strength and stability of the jawbone, which can help provide more support for dentures. They also have a range of other benefits such as improved aesthetics, comfort, and long-term health benefits. It’s important to discuss all the risks with your dentist before undergoing a bone graft procedure.


Q: How long does a bone graft procedure take?

A: The length of the procedure varies depending on the complexity and severity of the case. Generally, it takes between one to two hours to complete.

Q: What type of material is used for a bone graft?

A: The type of material used for a bone graft depends on the patient and their individual situation. Most commonly, it is taken from the patient’s own body such as the hip or chin. However, other materials such as donor tissue or cadaver bone can also be used.

Q: Are there any long-term side effects?

A: The risks of a bone graft are similar to any other surgery, including infection and bleeding. However, these can be minimized by proper care and hygiene after the procedure. It’s important to discuss all possible risks with your dentist before undergoing a bone graft.

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