Preparing for Sedation Dentistry ?

Sedation Dentistry was designed specifically to prevent patient [...]

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Sedation Dentistry was designed specifically to prevent patient experience pain during invasive oral procedures. It can also be beneficial for people who are fearful or anxious of the dentist, which makes them avoid necessary dental treatment.

Sedation Dentistry

If you are scheduled to undergo sedation or have been considering one, there are a few things that need to be prepared before the big day arrives. We encourage you to follow these tips to ensure that your appointment with your dentist is as easy and stress-free as possible.

On Food, Drink, and Smoking

First and foremost, DO NOT eat or drink anything, not even water, for 8 hours before the appointment. An empty stomach is necessary if you are going under anesthesia as it could cause nausea and vomiting during the procedure, creating fatal complications later. You may brush your teeth in the morning, but keep in mind not to swallow any water. If you accidently eat or drink the morning of your surgery, it has to be rescheduled for another day. You are allowed to drink water if you have to take medication, but it has to be taken without food and with the smallest amount of water. Also, smoking and drinking is strictly prohibited for 24 hours before the procedure.

Do Your Homework

Spare a little time over the internet to understand the procedure. You’re much more likely to feel at ease while the treatment is being performed if you have an idea on what’s going to happen during the appointment. If your dentist has already talked about the type of sedation that will be used, you may focus your research on it and the types of effect it will have on you. If nothing has been discussed about the type of sedation, make sure you broaden your research and try looking at the various types available, including inhaled sedation, oral sedation type IV sedation. You can look for the risks, costs and effects of each type of dentistry.

Plan Your Ride Home

Sedation surgery in any form, oral medications or IV injections will leave you unable to operate a vehicle for several hours and requires for you to arrange a capable adult to escort you and bring you home from your appointment. You may have your escort wait in the waiting room and be with you for your duration in the recovery room. If the patient is under 18, it is advisable that a parent or guardian must be present or a specific consent must be showed at the time of the appointment.

Clothing and Valuables

You can wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing and low-heeled shoes the day of your procedure. Do leave all jewelry and valuables at home. You may be asked to change into a clinic gown, and this will make it easier to change your clothing before and after surgery.

Ask Questions

It’s extremely important to feel as comfortable and relaxed on the dental chair, so make sure you ask your dentist plenty of questions you may have about the treatment.

It’s highly recommended that you take bed rest until fully awake and stay away from operating a vehicle until the day after surgery.

All dental procedures can be performed smoothly through sedation dentistry. If you have any other concerns regarding preparation for a sedation surgery, contact ABC 123 Dental for Sedation Dentistry in  Keller and  Fort Worth today to request a consultation with one of our knowledgeable dental specialists.

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